Frontend: Vanilla JS, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS
Backend: Node, Firebase, Axios
DevOps: Vite, Netlify
An app that provides real-time weather updates and stores past
searches locally. It features user authentication via
GoogleAuthProvider and integrates Firestore to store and display
user-specific "memories" that incorporate weather data. The
responsive UI, designed with Bootstrap, enhances user interaction
with modal pop-ups, past search functionality, and feedback alerts.
Frontend: React, Tailwind
Backend: Express, Axios
DevOps: GitHub Actions, Vite, Netlify
A resume building and job seeking platform utilizing the OpenAI API
to generate custom resumes or improve existing ones based on user
preferences. Once an OpenAI key is provided, users can use the app
to tailor their resume to a specific job or skillset. The UI is
designed from a responsive, bento-box format that looks appealing on
both desktop and mobile.
Frontend: SwiftUI, UIKit
An educational app that provides various details on materials
commonly used in outdoor recreation. Users can search for materials,
look up information, and add/delete favorites, complete with
engaging animations. The app was written using SwiftUI, which
facilitates an MVVM design pattern and tidy front-end.